The UN Ocean Conference in New York
Representatives from Jernkontoret and the Swedish steel industry participated during the UN Ocean Conference in New York, 5th-9th of June 2017. Together with The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and Zero Vision Tool, Jernkontoret hosted the side event Swedish Initiatives for Agenda 2030.

The side event Swedish Initiatives for Agenda 2030 was arranged at the UN Head Quarters where Swedish Industry and Public Private Partnership initiatives are presentend. The aim of the side event was to emphasize the industry's will and ability to act as a motor in the change process needed to transform today's world into a sustainable world where the seventeen global goals are met and where SDG 14 – saving the oceans – is key in the planetary processes. By showing the diversity in knowledge and driving forces we want to demonstrate that the transformation is possible through robust incentives.
The event was arranged by The Swedish Steel Producers' Association (Jernkontoret), The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) and Zero Vision Tool (ZVT), in cooperation with World Ocean Council, UN Global Compact, ICC, and more. It was held in conference room 12 at the UN Headquarters on June 6, starting 11:00 AM (ESD).
The Event
Moderator: World Ocean Council
- Christine Valentin, COO / Paul Holthus, CEO
Hot seats: the following initiatives and speakers are represented
Zero Vision Tool; an industry driven public private partnership method for transport at sea including 24 Joint Industry Projects (SDG 14:1, 3, 6, SDG 13, 17 and 9)
- Per Bondemark – SSAB (customer perspective from JIP Bothnia Bulk, voluntary commitment #15203)
- Erik Fridell – IVL Environmental Institute (university perspective from JUP Zero.8 – the benefit to society)
- Dick Höglund – Terntank Shipping (financing perspective from Pilot Financial Instrument – support the transition)
- Edvard Molitor – Port of Gothenburg (port perspective from JIP Scrubber Installation Challenges – land meet sea)
- Tryggve Möller – Tärntank (shipowner perspective from JIP LNG4Solution, voluntary commitment #14975)
- Anna Petersson – Swedish Transport Agency (regulation perspective from ZVTREF the authorities’ reference group)
Partnership for a carbon-free steel industry to make climate and oceans work together (SDG 14, SDG 13 and 17)
- Per Bondemark – SSAB (steel production perspective on oceans and climate action, Voluntary Commitment #17154)
Innovative technology to achieve clean drinking water for the world (SDG 14, 6 & 12)
- Tandukar Madan – Höganäs AB (research and technical perspective on water filtering techniques)
Partnership for resource efficient water purification utilizing mineral-based byproducts from the Swedish steel- and metal industries (SDG 14, 6 & 12)
- Niklas Lång – Höganäs AB (a steel business perspective on circular economy, Voluntary Commitment #20844)
Closing Speech: Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation
- Mattias Landgren – State Secretary to the Swedish Minister for Infrastructure
The Follow-up
Partnership for increasing biodiversity and strengthening resilience in land-sea areas on site (SDG 14 & 15)
- Sophie Carler – Swedish Steel Producers’ Association (Swedish steel sector perspective on how to operate within oceans’ boundaries)
Advantage Environment – a tool that enables the whole business sector to spread good examples and trigger dialogues with other stakeholders in society (SDG 14 & 12)
- Inger Strömdahl – Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Swedish Business sector perspective on the website project)
Partnership for water recipient monitoring (SDG 14:2)
- Per Bondemark – SSAB (steel production perspective on impact and dependency on water)
Joint Industry Projects & Joint University Projects using ZVT
- Carl Carlsson – ZVT nucleus (sharing the knowledge about the other Joint Industry and University Projects not represented at the Conference in the UNHQ)
HELCOM Green Team – PPP for green technology and alternative fuels
- Anna Petersson, Chair HELCOM Maritime
ZVT Method
- Helén Jansson – ZVT nucleus (the industry driven PPP method)
Follow the conference through Twitter (Jernkontoret) and #SaveOurOcean
Read also
Swedish Initatives for Agenda 2030 (
Voluntary commitments (
Agenda 2030 is the world's compass essential to reach a sustainable world and SDG14 - saving our oceans - is a planetary condition to succeed. The path leading to the seventeen global goals is one of change beyond imagination. During this change process the industry is committed to take the lead through innovative partnerships enabling a brisk transition towards carbon neutral societies under the vision zero, and needs the temporary resources to do so. The side event Swedish initiatives for Agenda 2030 at the UN Ocean Conference shows relevant examples of how the industry works to reach SDG14 as well as SDG6 (cleaner water), SDG9 (industry innovation & infrastructure), SDG12 (consumption & production), SDG13 (climate action), SDG15 (life on land), SDG17 (partnerships for the goals). It also shows that when we all stand behind the same vision it is essential to value different types of driving forces. The Swedish industry sees Agenda 2030 as a strategic compass and working towards SDG14 means turning partnerships towards sustainable transports at sea, sustainable steel production, and sustainable business overall.