Industridokumentation. Hur och varför?
Editors: Peter Du Rietz & Anna Lindgren

2014. Paperback. 63 p. ill.
Jernkontorets bergshistoriska skriftserie nr 47.
Price (SEK): 100:-
This book (in Swedish) aims to be a stimulating source of inspiration. But it is equally a methodological guide for the documentation of modern process industry.
Industridokumentation. Hur och varför? looks at how to awaken interest amongst different social groups in documenting contemporary industrial history. It also considers how people, not least young people and school students, can be motivated by industrial and technical issues. It examines how company management and employees can be involved in the documentation work, thereby strengthening awareness of the cultural
legacy of industry as a resource for the future.
An English version of the book was published in 2016:
Documenting Industry. How and Why?