Consultation responses
Consultation responses from Jernkotnoret are generally published in Swedish, but a few of them are available in English and listed below.
Go to the consultation responses in Swedish.
Protecting biodiversity: nature restoration targets under EU Biodiversity Strategy
Jernkontoret has commented on proposed targets for the restoration of natural ecosystems in Europe, both on land and in water. The targets is part of new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. In a situat...
Comments on the proposal for a European Climate Law
To the European CommissionJernkontoret d-nr: 29/20 Jernkontoret, the Swedish steel producers' association, comments on the proposal for an EU Climate Law. Jernkontoret also support the contribution fr...
Comments on the review of the EU's climate target for 2030
The European Commission will investigate an increase in the climate target by 2030. Jernkontoret believes that the focus should be on the long-term goal, climate neutrality by 2050. An increase in the...
Comments on the EU Commission's revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive
The European Commission announced in its "The Green Deal" that the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) should fully address issues related to climate, energy and circular economy. But the IED is neit...
Revision of Energy Taxation Directive
Jernkontoret has responded to the European Commission's consultation on revision of Energy Taxation Directive.
Waste Framework Directive database on articles containing Candidate List substances
Jernkontoret welcomes the efforts the EU Commission is doing to close the information gaps along the recycling value chain. However, it is also important that any new system will be flexible and pragm...
EU's future climate and energy policy
Jernkontoret has responded to the European Commission's public consultation "Future climate and energy policy - a Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions"
Consultation on Review of Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency
To the European Commissionen about the review of Directive on Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency Directive or EED, on January, 29, 2016. Jernkontorets Diarienr 27/15. Consultation on the Review of D...
Consultation on Draft Guidelines on environmental and energy State aid for 2014-2020
To the European Diarienr: 76331988454-11Jernkontorets diarienr: 1/14 Swedish steel industry is a highly specialized energy intensive industry which exports a larg...
Consultation on Emission Trading System (ETS) post-2020 carbon leakage provisions
Jernkontorets svar på EU-konsultationen ”Emission Trading System (ETS) post-2020 carbonleakage provisions” inskickat 2014-07-23 (pdf, 0,1 Mb). Further information: Alena Nordqvisttel 08 679 17 12alena...
Response to the consultation on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies
To the European CommissionDirectorate-General Climate ActionUnit A.4 – Strategy and Economic AssessmentDirectorate General Energy Unit A1 – Energy Regi...
Response to public consultation on structural options to strengthen the EU Emission Trading System
To Directorate-General Climate Action - Unit B.1clima-ets-structural-measures@ec.europa.euRegister ID: 76331988454-11 Jernkontorets svar på EU-kommissionens konsultation om strukturella förändringar...