Swedish Metals & Minerals First in the EU with INCITE Seminar

The innovation program Swedish Metals & Minerals is organizing a half-day seminar to present INCITE, the new center for innovation and transformation of the industry within the EU. INCITE's platform will compile innovative technologies aimed at reducing emissions and resource use in heavy industry. The seminar, to be held at the Jernkontoret, is the first of its kind. Among the participants are the commission's project leader for INCITE, Eric Aries, and State Secretary Sara Modig.

Eva Blixt from Jernkontoret will act as the moderator for the INCITE seminar on September 12. The seminar will take place at Jernkontoret in central Stockholm and will also be livestreamed. Portrait photo: Pia Nordlander, Bildn.

On September 12, the innovation program Swedish Metals & Minerals will host a seminar focusing on the EU's new center for industrial transformation innovation, INCITE. The seminar will be held at Jernkontoret's premises but will also be livestreamed digitally.

Don't miss this important and interesting seminar; you are welcome to sign up here:

Invite / Metals & Minerals (mailchi.mp)

– The event at Jernkontoret on September 12 is the very first seminar about INCITE held in Europe since its launch in June. Jernkontoret is the natural meeting place to prepare Sweden for the upcoming work and collaboration with INCITE. Steel will be one of their first focus areas, but all other energy-intensive sectors will follow, says Eva Blixt, senior advisor at Jernkontoret and moderator for the seminar.

The seminar is broadly aimed at private and public stakeholders in the fields of environment, research, development, technology providers, and investors.

– The goal of the seminar is to increase awareness that INCITE exists and has started its work and its role, as well as to initiate collaborations in Sweden to provide input to and gather information from the center, says Eva Blixt.

Jernkontoret's CEO, Annika Roos, along with Svemin's CEO, Maria Sunér, and the program manager of Swedish Metals & Minerals, Maria Swartling, will open the seminar.

– We have a very strong and interesting program for the day. The day begins with an overview presentation by Eric Aries, project leader for INCITE, followed by Sara Modig, State Secretary at the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise responsible for business issues, as well as various actors who need to contribute to the development of the platform. Here, all Swedish innovations and solutions from technology providers should be showcased, says Eva Blixt.

The seminar already has over 100 registered attendees, the majority of whom will participate in person at Jernkontoret. There are still places available for in-person participation, and the entire seminar will also be livestreamed digitally via the Swedish Metals & Minerals YouTube channel. Parts of the seminar will be conducted in English.

– I am so proud that INCITE chose Sweden and Jernkontoret for its very first visit. The Swedish steel industry is one of the most innovative industries in Europe, and during their visit to Sweden, INCITE's representatives will explore first of a kind installations and new technologies at Kanthal, GreenIron H2, H2 Green Steel in Boden, and HYBRIT's pilot plant at SSAB in Luleå, says Eva Blixt.

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Swedish Metals & Minerals, for a sustainable and resilient metals and minerals supply for the societal transition (jernkontoret.se)