Climate roadmap. For a fossil-free and competitive steel industry in Sweden.
The Swedish steel industry

Den svenska stålindustrins klimatfärdplan för en fossilfri och konkurrenskraftig industri 2045.
April 2018, 122 pages.
In Swedish.
Summery in English is available.
Summery in English:
Climate roadmap. For a fossil-free and competitive steel industry in Sweden (pdf, 0,3 Mb, 8 pages)
Summery in Swedish:
Klimatfärdplan, sammanfattning. För en fossilfri och konkurrenskraftig stålindustri i Sverige (pdf, 0,4 Mb)
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The Swedish steel industry intends to make a difference for the global climate. Already, Swedish steel products have an internationally low climate footprint and create climate benefits during use. To achieve Sweden's aim to become one of the world's first fossil-free welfare nations will require commitment from all sakeholders, and greater cooperation between the political arena and industry.