Kompetensfärdplan: Vägen framåt för gruv- och stålnationen Sverige
Jernkontoret, Svemin och Industriarbetsgivarna

September 2019, 52 p.
Skills supply roadmap: The path to secured competence in the mining and steel nation Sweden.
Only available in Swedish.
During 2019, Jernkontoret has prepared, in collaboration with Svemin (Swedish Association of Mines, Minerals and Metal Producers) and The Swedish Association of Industrial Employers, a new plan, Skills Supply Roadmap: The path to secured competence in the mining and steel nation Sweden.
The work is carried on within the framework of the strategic innovation programme for the mining and metal extraction industry, Swedish Mining Innovation.
There is a new edition of this roadmap
In June 2022, a new, updated edition of the roadmap was launched: Skills Supply Roadmap: Mobilisation for education and provision of skills.
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The Skills Supply Roadmap describes the internal challenges which the Swedish mining and metallurgical industries now face. This plan also highlights what the industries concerned, the nation’s political representatives and the education system need to do now to improve the supply of qualifications and skills to this industrial sector, something which Sweden as a whole will gain from.
What the steel industry need to do
- Work to improve the image of the steel industry and the interest in technology
- Work systematically and in a structured way with recruitment
- Offer work experience and learning at the workplace
- Open up more routes for a career within the steel industry
- Focus on enhancing the attractiveness of the regions where the steel industry operates
What the political representatives need to do
- To guarantee educational programmes and qualifications that respond to the needs of industry and commerce
- To open up more pathways into the steel industry
- To implement an active policy in favour of the Swedish regions
- To create better conditions for vocational training and higher vocational education
- To foster recruitment to science and technology careers
What the educational system need to do
- To be instrumental in stimulating interest in engineering and technology
- To interact more with industry and commerce
- To strengthen the relevance of the education offered
- To ensure that higher educational programmes maintain a high quality and that the suitable students are accepted
- To lower the thresholds between the educational levels