Jernkontoret's activities

Jernkontoret safeguards the iron and steel industry’s interests within a number of areas that are of special importance for the competitiveness of the companies. 

The Swedish iron and steel producers are pieces in the puzzle making a strong and sustainable national economy; its products comprise an important constituent of Sweden’s exports. These circumstances cannot be taken for granted but presuppose that the companies can cope effectively with the international competition. This requires, among other things, a strategic target for competitiveness and growth within industry, combined with a greater public awareness of steel and the importance of the steel industry for national prosperity, social welfare and a sustaiable devemopment.

Jernkontoret’s task is to safeguard the iron and steel industry’s interests through acting to ensure the best possible preconditions for the industry’s operations in Sweden.

Jernkontoret represents the iron and steel industry on issues that affect the following areas: 

  • Energy, environment and climate
  • Sustainability
  • Research
  • Education and training
  • Standardisation
  • Trade policy
  • Transportation and infrastructure

Together with the iron and steel companies, Jernkontoret runs various political reform proposals.

Jernkontoret is a significant builder of networks, both on the national and international stage. Jernkontoret strives to be recognised as discussion partner with specialist expertise and a pillar of credibility. 

Other activities

Together with the iron and steel companies, Jernkontoret works to fulfil the iron and steel industry’s shared vision for 2050 – "Steel Shapes a Better Future".  

Jernkontoret leads the joint Nordic steel research.

Research concerning the history of mining and metallurgy is also led by Jernkontoret.

The general state and development of the wider economy is decisive in the development of the markets for steel. Consequently, Jernkontoret carefully monitors the economic cycle and economic developments, both nationally and internationally. Jernkontoret also produces industry-specific statistics, market analyses and forecasts.

For information on how Jernkontoret is organised, see Owners and board.

Employment market and health and safety at work 

Jernkontoret does not represent the interests of the iron and steel industry within the employment area. Issues that relate to the labour market and the work environment are handled by the Steel and Metal Employers Association within the Swedish Association of Industrial Employers (Industriarbetsgivarna).