All these we support
Jernkontoret makes grants to certain selected organisations and projects that, in our opinion, have a vital role to play and that are in conformity with our activities and fundamental values.

Universities of science and technology with degree programmes focused on materials science, process engineering and metallurgy
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Luleå University of Technology (LTU) and Bergsskolan (Swedish School of Mining and Metallurgy) educate future engineers who are especially significant for the steel industry’s capacity to develop advanced materials and products. Our support encompasses funding for research and recruitment purposes.
Kongliga Bergssektionen comes under the umbrella of the KTH Student Union and is the student organisation for the Master’s programme in Engineering Materials Science. Bergssektionen facilitates life for students and provides a source of enjoyment and sense of community for those undertaking one of the most important degree programmes for the steel industry.
Related associations
Jernkontoret supports related branch associations through advertising and administrative services. These include the following organisations: Bergshandteringens Vänner, Svenska Bergsmannaföreningen, Women of Steel (Metallkvinnor) and Svensk trådteknisk förening.
VA (Science & Public)
Jernkontoret is a stakeholder member of the independent non-profit association VA (Science & Public) that works to promote dialogue and openness between researchers and the public. The association conducts activities, studies and public opinion work together with the member organizations and collaborates internationally with 50 organizations in 25 countries. For example, Jernkontoret participates in:
- ForskarFredag is a part of European Researchers' Night. It takes part in different locations in Sweden. The aim is to show young people the excitement of research.
- March for Science is a nonpartisan, global manifestation for research and science. The manifestation takes a stand for research and wants to show what makes science unique as a source of knowledge, highlighting the importance of source criticism and acceptance for dissent and disagreement.
National Museum of Science and Technology
We support the Museum’s work of advancing public understanding of technology and industrial development. This takes place by way of Tekniska Museets Vänner (Association of Friends of the Museum) and the exhibition 100 innovations. In the exhibition there is a display featuring the processing of metals.
Bee Urban
Through the company Bee Urban, Jernkontoret is sponsor of a beehive that stands on the roof of our building at Kungsträdgårdsgatan 10 in central Stockholm. Honey bees in the hive (about 50,000 bees) contribute to creating a greener city and promote biological diversity. Moreover, we get really good honey (about 20 kilograms per season) which can be enjoyed by those who drink tea on our conference floor.
The Swedish Brain Foundation
The Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden) raises money for research and information about the brain and its diseases, injuries and disabilities. The foundation has no government grants and is therefore completely dependent on donations from individuals and enterprises. The Swedish Brain Foundation awards scholarships and grants to researchers and research groups to enable or enhance important research. Basic and clinical research is devoted to the healthy nervous system, including its development and aging, as well as to disabilities, injuries and diseases.
Instead of sending Christmas cards by post we contribute each year to the The Swedish Brain Foundation through being a company partner.
Mattecentrum is a non-profit organisation that offers free help with numeracy to pupils from School Year 3 up to High School level. This takes place partly through special group tutoring throughout Sweden and, partly, through the website. We are keen to support Mattecentrum since a good knowledge of mathematics is a prerequisite for becoming an engineer.
Swedish Parasports Federation, Swedish Paralympic Committee and the journal Dövsport
The Swedish Parasports Federation organises sport for persons with reduced mobility, visual impairment and learning disability within 20 different sports. The journal Dövsport is the official organ of the Swedish Deaf Sports Federation. We are keen to promote activities that offer disabled people enhanced possibilities of undertaking an active everyday life and to carry out sports.
We provide support for the advancement of knowledge within the areas of materials engineering, process engineering and metallurgy as well as research into the history of mining and metallurgy. This support takes the form of different stipends.
Read more about the stipends