Robusta energi- och klimatindikatorer för stålindustrin
Johannes Morfeldt et al.
Traditionally used indicators for evaluating energy efficiency and decrease of greenhouse gas emissions are energy per ton product, energy per value added, energy per production value, greenhouse gas emissions per ton product, greenhouse gas emissions per value added and greenhouse gas emission per production value. Within the iron and steel sector mainly the physical indicator energy per produced ton raw steel is used. This research project has aimed at evaluating and further developing the energy indicator methodology. Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT), Höganäs Sweden AB and SSAB EMEA have participated with detailed, specific, company data and deep understanding of production and market. The companies represent different ways of producing steel and can therefore in a wider perspective be seen as representing the Swedish steel industry. A large step forward has been taken by increasing the understanding for how company structures and activities are affected by different external factors and how that is mirrored in the traditional energy efficiency indicators. Traditional indicators are today not robust enough to use for monitoring or governance, other than of separate processes within the companies. They should therefore not be used as a basis for policy making or reconsideration and updating of permit conditions by authorities. The further developed indicators, presented in this work, are still not robust enough for governance, but alleviate some of the effects influencing the traditional indicators. The efficiency indexes based on the physical production indicator decreases the influence of structural changes. The economical production indicator captures the value creation in a better way, but is strongly connected to the economic climate. A large number of parameters affect energy efficiency and still only a few have been considered. Energy efficiency achieved within the PFE program is visible in the results. It is very important to continue the development of indicators since energy and CO2 efficiency are central issues for both the steel industry and the society.