Published reports, TO 43

Published reports from Jernkontoret's technical area 43, Stainless steel. The list is sorted after the publishing year of the reports, with the most recently published at the top of the list.  

Note: TO-reports are only available to participating companies. However D-reports are open for everyone. 
D-reports can be ordered or downloaded, see "Publications".

ProFasD databasmodifiering
Reza Naraghi
2023 (TO 43-65)

ProFasD sammanfattande rapport
Sten Wessman et al.
2023 (TO 43-64)

ProFasD detaljerad rapport
Sten Wessman et al.
2023 (TO 43-63)

Low temperature embrittlement in lean LDX 2101 and super duplex 2507 MIG welds
Sten Wessman et al.
2022 (TO 43-62)

SuperICME 2.0 Final summary report
Sten Wessman et al.
2021 (TO 43-61)

SuperICME 2.0 WP4
Magnus Hasselqvist
2021 (TO 43-60)

SuperICME 2.0 WP3
Ru Peng et al.
2021 (TO 43-59)

SuperICME 2.0 WP1
Jan Y. Jonsson, Sten Wessman
2021 (TO 43-58)

ProFasD Etapp 1 rapport
Sten Wessman et al.
2021 (TO 43-57)

Low temperature embrittlement in duplex 2205 MIG welds
Sten Wessman et al.
2021 (TO 43-56)

SuperAvon, Sammanfattande slutrapport
David Lindell et al.
2020 (TO 43-55)

SuperAvoN, Detaljrapport
David Lindell et al.
2020 (TO 43-54)

SuperICME Etapp 1 rapport
Sten Wessman, et al.
2019 (TO 43-53)

DUWELTOOL – final report
Ola Runnerstam, et al.
2019 (TO 43-52)

DUWELTOOL – Method description
2019 (TO 43-51)

DUWELTOOL – WPS documentation
2019 (TO 43-50)

DUWELTOOL – Thermodynamic modelling
Sten Wessman
2019 (TO 43-49)

DUWELTOOL – standards
Ravi Vishnu 
2019 (TO 43-48)

SIFRA arbetspaketsrapporter
Joakim Wahlsten  et al.
2018 (TO 43-47)

DuWelTool Weld characterisation
Vahid Hosseini et al.
2019 (TO 43-46)

DUWELTOOL Etapp 1 rapport
Joakim Wahlsten  et al.
2018 (TO 43-45)

Slutrapport för SIFRA - Hållbara infrastrukturlösningar genom ökad användning av rostfritt stål
Joakim Wahlsten  et al.
2018 (TO 43-44)

Slutrapport för TEKLA - New test methods for promoting sustainable corrosion resistant alloys in harsh industrial environments
Nuria Fuertes et al.
2018 (TO 43-43)

Literature survey on low-temperature embrittlement in duplex stainless steels (COOLER)
Yadunandan Das, Joakim Odqvist and Peter Hedström
2018 (TO 43-42)

SuperAvon Phase 1 report
N. Holländer Pettersson et al.
2018 (TO 43-41)

FROST Slutrapport
Reza, Andreas
2017 (TO 43-40)

FROST Slutrapport
S. Wessman et al.
2017 (TO 43-39)

FROST Phase 3 detailed report
S. Wessman et al.
2017 (TO 43-38)

COOLER Fas 1 rapport
S. Wessman et al.
2016 (TO 43-37)

FROST – Fas 2 rapport
S. Wessman et al.
2016 (TO 43-36)

DUPLEXWELD - Delrapporter
J. Wahlsten, S. Wessman, J. Gårdstam, V. Hosseini and L. Karlsson
2015 (TO 43-35)

DUPLEXWELD - Prediction of microstructure and properties in duplex stainless steel welds
J. Wahlsten, S. Wessman, J. Gårdstam, V. Hosseini and L. Karlsson
2015 (TO 43-34)

AvoN – Avoidance of detrimental nitrides in duplex stainless steels
N. Pettersson, S. Wessman, A. Borgenstam, J. Y. Jonsson, E. Bettini, A. Wilson, O. R. Barka, H. Jørgensen, R. Pettersson and S. Hertzman
2015 (TO 43-33)

FROST – Tools for Development of Stainless Steels of the Future Report Phase 1 Part 4. Equilibria in the Systems Fe-Cr-N-X where X is Mn, Ni and Cu
S. Hertzman
2014 (TO 43-32)

FROST – Tools for Development of Stainless Steels of the Future Report Phase 1 Part 3. Equilibria for the Secondary Phases
S. Wessman, N. Pettersson, L. Kjellqvist, J. Bratberg, A. Markström, M. Selleby, J. Y. Jonsson, A. Wilson, O. R. Barka, H. Jørgensen, P. Lidegran, S. Hertzman and R. Pettersson
2014 (TO 43-31)

FROST – Tools for Development of Stainless Steels of the Future Report Phase 1 Part 2. Equilibria for the Matrix Phases
S. Wessman, N. Pettersson, L. Kjellqvist, J. Bratberg, A. Markström, M. Selleby, J. Y. Jonsson; Outokumpu Stainless AB, A. Wilson, O. R. Barka, H. Jørgensen, P. Lidegran, S. Hertzman and R. Pettersson
2014 (TO 43-30)

FROST – Tools for Development of Stainless Steels of the Future Report Phase 1 Part 1 Solidus – Liquidus Equilibria
S. Wessman, N. Pettersson, L. Kjellqvist, J. Bratberg, A. Markström, M. Selleby, J. Y. Jonsson, A. Wilson, O. R. Barka, H. Jørgensen, P. Lidegran, S. Hertzman and R. Pettersson
2014 (TO 43-29)

FROST –  Tools for Development of Stainless Steels of the Future. Summary report Phase 1
S. Wessman, N. Pettersson, L. Kjellqvist, J. Bratberg, A. Markström, M. Selleby, J. Y. Jonsson, A. Wilson, O. R. Barka, H. Jørgensen, P. Lidegran and R. Pettersson
2014 (TO 43-28)

Prediction verification and consequences of duplex microstructure. 
Predup Slutrapport
S. Wessman, N. Pettersson, D. Jacobsson, B. Hutchinson, F. Lindberg, J. Hagström, R. Pettersson, A. Wilson, S. Hertzman, P. Hedström, J. Odqvist & M. Thuvander
2013 (TO 43-27)

Kinetic calculations and matrix fraction predictions in duplex stainless steels
S. Wessman, R. Pettersson, A. Wilson & S. Hertzman 
2013 (TO 43-26)

Limiting conditions for localised corrosion of stainless steel (N-Corinox).
Jesper Flyg, Mari Sparr & Claes Taxén
2012 (TO 43-25)

A new methodology for nitride characterisation in stainless steels and its application on Duplex 2205 and Superduplex 2507.
Eleonora Hervestad
2012 (TO 43-24)

Energibesparing genom snabbare värmning och glödgning.
Tobias Olli et al.
2012 (TO 43-23)

Energy Savings by More Rapid Reheating and Annealing
Tobias Olli, Cecilia Lille, Maria Karlsson, Anders Wilson, Veronica Bertilsson, Tomas Ekman, Joni Koskiniemi, Johan Gemmel & Jonas Engdahl
2011 (TO 43-21) 

Pilot Plant Annealing Trials – DFI Preheating of 304L Tube
Tobias Olli, Johan Gemmel & Tomas Ekman
2011 (TO 43-20) 

Pilot Plant Annealing Trials – Slabs Reheating
Tobias Olli, Cecilia Lille, Maria Karlsson, Tomas Ekman, Joni Koskiniemi & Marko Niska
2011 (TO 43-19) 

Pilot Plant Annealing Trials – 304L Stainless Steel Wire
Tobias Olli, Veronica Bertilsson & Tomas Ekman
2011 (TO 43-18) 

Pilot Plant Annealing Trials – Stainless Steel Tube
Tobias Olli, Anders Wilson & Tomas Ekman
2011 (TO 43-17)

Pilot plant annealing trials #1b – DFI preheating of carbon steel strip
David Lindell, Jonas Engdahl & Tomas Ekman
2010 (TO 43-16)

Pilot plant annealing trials #1 – stainless steel strip – Result summary #3
David Lindell, Rachel Pettersson, Maria Karlsson, Cecilia Lille, Tomas Ekman, Anders Wilson, Joni Koskiniemi & Marko Niska
2010 (TO 43-15)

Evaluation of stainless steels for combustion environments. Final report.
Rachel Pettersson, Jesper Flyg, Kenneth Göransson & Mikael Willför
2003 (TO43-14; IM-2003-561)

Duplex Stainless Steels for Construction - Influence of Thermal Cycles on Properties. Final report.
Sten Wessman, Staffan Hertzman, Jan Y Jonsson & Guocai Chai
2003 (TO 43-13; IM-2003-560)

Rostfria stål i utrustning för våt rökgasrening i anläggningar för avfallsförbränning. Slutrapport.
2003 (TO 43-12; KI: 72063, IM-2003-553)

Fatigue properties of projection welds in high strength stainless steel. Final report.
2003 (TO 43-11; IM-2003-509)

Oxidation and pickling of stainless steels in a new annealing process. Final report.
2003 (TO 43-10; IM-2003-517)

Machinability of sintered P/M materials.
1998 (TO 43-09; IM-3402)

Influence of nitrogen alloying on the corrosion properties of austenitic and duplex stainless steels.
1997 (TO 43-08; IM-3666)

Acid pretreatment and mixed-acid pickling of standard and high-alloyed stainless steel.
1996 (TO 43-09; IM-3402)

Högtemperaturkorrosion av tre rostfria stål i en oxiderande-klorerande miljö vid 800°C 
1996 (TO 43-08; IM-3416)

Oxidation of 304, 254SMO and 654SMO on annealing at 1000-1150°C.
1996 (TO 43-07; IM-3358)

Investigation of oxides formed on stainless steels during production annealing.
1996 (TO 43-06; IM-3357)

Oxidation av 353MA, 800HT och 0C404 i luft vid 1100°C.
1996 (TO 43-05; IM-3351)

Oxidation av 304L (SS2352) och 321 (SS2337).
1996 (TO 43-04; IM-3350)

Acid pretreatment and mixed-acid pickling of standard and high-alloyed stainless steel.
1996 (IM-3402 ; TO 43-09)

Slow strain rate testing of austentic and duplex stainless steels in order to compare their relative order of susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking. 
1993 (IM-2717; JKF B 637)

Influence of nitrogen, molybdenum and manganese on the precipitation of secondary phases in austenitic stainless steels.
1993 (IM-2898; JKF B 635)

Effect of nitrogen alloying on the corrosion resistance of stainless steels - elucidation of mechanisms using rotating electrode and impedance studies.
1993 (IM-2897; JKF B 634)

Influence of alloying elements and sensitisation on the corrision resistance of austentic stainless steels.
1993 (IM-2896; JKF B 633)

Sprickutbredningsegenskaper hos duplexa rostfria stål. Slutrapport.
1992 (TO 43-02)

Användning av SSRT-tekniken vid spännings - korrosionsprovning - en litteraturstudie. Rapport från kommitté 4310/88.
1989 (JKF TO 43-01)

Mekanismer och modeller för spänningskorrosion av rostfria stål. en litteraturstudie = Mechanisms and models for the stress corrosion crackin stainless steels. A literature survey.
1985 (JKF D 540 IM-1964)

TIG-svetsning av austenitiska rostfria stål: inverkan av olika yttillstånd och varierande legerings- och föroreningshalter på dikes- bildning och penetration = TIG welding of austenitic stainless steels. influence of surface characteristics and the level of alloyuing elements and impurities on penetration and undercat.
1984 (JKF B 562; IM-1851)

Förspröddning av ferritiska rostfria stål vid TIG-svetsning = Embrittleme of TIG-welds of ferritic stainless steels.
1984 (IM-1882)

Inverkan av miljöparametrar på tendensen till punktkorrosion hos rostfria stål. Slutrapport = Influence of environmental parameters on the tendency of pitting corrosion in stainless steels. Final report.
1984 (JKF D 498)

Spänningskorrosionsprovning av rostfria stål i kloridmiljö med droppindunstningsmetoden. Round-robin-test. Slutrapport = Stress corros testing of stainless steels in chloride media by the drop evaporation tes method. Round-robin-test. Final report.
1984 (JKF D 483)

Inverkan av kvävelegering på mekaniska och teknologiska egenskaper hos tråd av austenitiskt rostfritt fjäderstål. Slutrapport.
1983 (JKF B 538 IM-1708)

Utskiljning av borider och karboborider i austenitiskt rostfritt stål av typen 18/9 = Precipitation of borides and carboborides in 18Cr9Ni austenitic stainless steels.
1983 (IM-1857 STU 81-3972)

Korrosion vid rening av industriella avfallsgaser. Fältprovning. Slutrapport.
1982 (JKF D 409)

Silicon and nitrogen alloying of high-speed steels and its influence on microstructure and properties of grades AISI M2 and M7.
1982 (JKF D 407 IM-1654)

Inverkan av Si och N på karbidkaraktäristiken och böjhållfastheten i snabbstål av typ AISI M2 och M7.
1982 (JKF D 406 IM-1638)

Inverkan av kisel och kväve på varmduktiliteten hos snabbstålen M2 och M7.
1982 (JKF D 405 IM-1580)

Wear and failure of high speed steel twist drills.
1982 (JKF D 402 UPTEC 81110R)

Klyvning vid varmvalsning av snabbstål. Slutrapport.
1982 (JKF D 401 IM-1583)

Ni-haltens inverkan på svetsbarhet och varmbearbetbarhet hos kvävelegerade austenitiska rostfria stål. Slutrapport.
1982 (JKF B 522)

Inneslutningskarakterisering med PASEM i svetsgods och grundmaterial i TIG-svetsat austenitiskt rostfritt 18/8-stål.
1982 (IM-1655)