TO 80 Powder metallurgy

Companies with an interest in powder metallurgy materials collaborate within Jernkontoret’s technical area 80, Powder metallurgy.

Hot isostatic pressing of steel powder (HIP). 

Committee meetings are arranged 2-3 times per year at Jernkontoret or at member companies. To properly prepare the meetings of the Technical Area, the committee has appointed an advisory panel (TOB 80), which meets about four times a year.

Committee Chairperson

Henrik Karlsson, Volvo Group Trucks Technology AB

Research Manager 

Jonas Gurell, Jernkontoret

Member companies

Alleima AB, Sandviken
Carpenter Powder Products AB, Torshälla
Erasteel Kloster AB, Söderfors
Höganäs Sweden AB, Höganäs
Kanthal AB, Hallstahammar 
Linde Gas AB, Lidingö
Uddeholms AB, Hagfors  
Volvo Group Trucks Technology AB, Göteborg

Co-opted members

Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
SIS, Swedish Institute for Standards, Stockholm
Swerim AB, Kista

Purpose and general orientation

Companies interested in powder metallurgy materials collaborate within this technical area. There are member companies that cover the whole chain i.e. from powder production via pressing (compaction) to the users of components manufactured through powder metallurgy.

Technical area 80 lays great emphasis on active collaboration between the material manufacturers and material users; this is to facilitate product development and product design and construction.

How does one become a member of the technical area?

The committee of the technical area decides on acceptance of new members. You are welcome to contact the technical area’s Research Manager if you are interested in participating or if you have questions about activities, membership fees etc.