Metallic materials, a strategic innovation program
Metallic materials really are a vital area of innovation for Sweden. Together with Vinnova – Sweden’s innovation agency – Sweden’s metal industry is investing in research that will strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness and be an important constituent in the development of sustainable solutions to global challenges.

The strategic innovation program, Metallic Materials brings together Sweden’s metal producing industries encompassing steel, aluminium, hard metal, steel castings, cast iron and non-ferrous metal castings.
Metallic Materials was one of the first Swedish innovation areas to become a Strategic Innovation Program – an initiative run by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and the Research Council Formas. The idea behind the initiative is to increase innovation within industries important to Sweden. These sectors must also have the potential to become even more significant through stimulating collaboration between industry, the public sector and the academic world.
Learn more about the Strategic Innovation Areas (
The metal industry’s long tradition of developing and producing advanced materials means that nowadays operations are carried out across the whole chain: from mining and smelting to the processing, forming and finishing of metals.
The Metallic Materials Program office includes representantives of Jernkontoret, Svenskt Aluminium, the Swedish Foundry Association and the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University.
Innovation program website
The Metallic Materials program has its own website where all that concerns the program is published. This includes announcements, information on current research projects, conferences but also news and topical articles within the field.
Membership of the website enables contacts with other members and ensures access to more restricted information e.g. reports.
Learn more at the website of Metallic Materials:
Strategic research and innovation agenda:
National Action for Metallic Materials
The agenda "National Action for Metallic Materials" is a strategy document for the innovation area of metallic materials. The agenda is jointly developed by the Swedish metal producing industry’s trade groups: Jernkontoret, Svenskt Aluminium and the Swedish Foundry Association. It includes visionary concepts, goals and strategies. These concern how growth can be energised in Sweden, industry’s competitiveness strengthened while meeting societal challenges with a global dimension.