Foreign trade
Sweden has a large trade surplus where steel is concerned. This is due to the fact that, to a large degree, we export high-performance steel and mainly import standard products.

Coils being loaded for export. Photo: SSAB.
Sweden’s export of finished steel products, including ingots and semis, in 2023 amounted to SEK 68,1 billion (excluding the engineering products made by the steel plants), whereas the value of steel imports was SEK 46,3 billion.
Swedish steel exports. Finished steel incl. ingots and semis.
Swedish steel imports. Finished steel incl. ingots and semis.
In 2023, steel exports comprised 3,3 per cent of Sweden’s total exports of goods, valued at SEK 2,090 billion. The diagram below shows how the trade balance in terms of value has developed since 1980.
Swedish steel trade, value. Finished steel incl. ingots and semis. Foreign trade statistics including re-exports and re-imports.
In terms of weight, however, the state of affairs is rather different. Sweden's exports and imports of finished steel products are more or less of an equivalent amount. The diagram below shows how the trade balance in terms of tonnage has developed since 1980.
Swedish steel trade, weight. Finished steel incl. ingots and semis.
Foreign trade statistics including re-exports and re-imports.
In 2023 Swedish steel was exported to 148 countries around the world. However, by far the largest export market comprises the EU member states and Great Britain, where roughly 70 per cent of the steel was exported in 2023. Outside Europe, the USA is an important market as is China which, in recent years, has imported ever more steel from Sweden.
Swedish steel exports 2023: SEK 68,1 billion.
Finished steel incl. ingots and semis.
90 per cent of Swedish steel imports in 2023 came from EU member states and Great Britain.
Swedish steel imports 2023: SEK 46,3 billion.
Finished steel incl. ingots and semis.