Subartic mining II. Papers presented at a symposium in Luleå, June 15th 2001
Editors: Kenneth Awebro and Lennart Klang

2002. 192 s. ill.
Jernkontorets bergshistoriska utskott H 72.
Pris (SEK): 125:-
June 14th 2001 the 2nd symposium in Lulea was held—Subarctic Mining II—about subarctic mining history. The purpose this time was to exemplify actual and earlier research from the Barents region and to broaden the content of this field of study. This was also the direction that was pointed out at the latest symposium, as a matter of outmost concern. This publication contents the contributions that were presented at the symposium in Lulea.
Kenneth Awebro and Lennart Klang: Subarctic mining history in the Barents region – an important area for crossover scientific research.
Thomas Lindholm: Suuikuusikkoo – Planning for a Bacterial Oxidation Plant North of 1 the Arctic Circle.
Tim Senften: The Mining Field of Ruotevare. The Jokkmokk Project.
Evgenia Patsia: History of Mining as Displayed in Museums of the Murmansk Region.
Kenneth Awebro: Egidius Otto och Nasafjalls silvergruvor – planer på att återuppta driften efter förstörelsen 1659. Extended summary.
Lena Berg: Early phases of subarctic ore-mining – from prehistory to history.
Stefan Warg: Migrating to mining – industrialisation, migration and regional development in the Norrbotten mining district at the turn of the century 1900.
Elena Makarova: The development of the mining industry in the Kola Peninsula – Review.
Olga Shabalina and Vladimir Shabalin: The Russian coal mining in the Arctic
Anastassia Eremeeva: The beginning of the construction "Severonickel" smelter (before the World War II) in Monchegorsk, Kola Peninsula, Russia.
Agne Rustan: Development of drilling and blasting technology during the 201h century in Sweden.
Lennart Klang: Inmutningar och gruvdriftsforsok kring sekelskiftet 1900 –exempel fran det 163 subarktiska fjallomradet i Vasterbottens Ian, Sverige. Summary: Test-mining areas from the years around 1900 in the subarctic mountains of Vasterbotten, Sweden