Other collaborations with schools
Jernkontoret and the Swedish steel companies collaborate with different stakeholders and also runs its own projects, all part of the hunt for the steel industry’s engineers and skilled employees of tomorrow.

The steel industry is dependent on highly competent employees. This means that young people with an interest in the industry should specialise in science or technical subjects at High School level and then choose an engineering degree programme at university. Jernkontoret and the Swedish Association of Industrial Employers (Industriarbetsgivarna) make targeted investments to this end. The steel companies are also involved in various collaborative projects that encourage young people to undertake advanced education with the focus on technology and engineering.
Technology Leap
Technology Leap (Tekniksprånget) is an internship programme for High School leavers who are eligible to apply for an engineering degree programme. The internship period aims to inspire more young people to apply for engineering degree programmes. In order to better promote the internship programme, Jernkontoret is collaborating with Technology Leap through Järnkoll, a scheme to build relationships between the steel companies and their future employees. Technology Leap is run by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) on behalf of the Swedish National Agency for Education. Amongst participating companies to offer internship positions are Sandvik, Ovako, SSAB and Outokumpu.
Read more about Technology Leap (teknikspranget.se)
For Sweden’s engineering and industrial companies, ensuring the right supply of future employees with the necessary educational qualifications, both at secondary and post-secondary levels, is all-important. For this reason, the Industry Council (Industrirådet) has developed Teknikcollege, a concept to increase the number of suitably qualified applicants to engineering-oriented programmes at different levels.
Teknikcollege is a seal of quality for educational and vocational programmes whereby local and regional bodies, education providers and companies all work together to increase the attractiveness and quality of technically oriented education and training programmes.
Read more about Teknikcollege (teknikcollege.se)
Jernkontoret supports Mattecentrum – an independent, non-profit organisation – and its activities geared to help Swedish children and youngsters with mathematics. Not only do they arrange cost-free group mentoring in 24 cities, they also run the online study tool Matteboken.se.
Read more about Mattecentrum (mattecentrum.se)