FB 23080 Refractory technology

A research block (FB) within Jernkontoret’s technical area 23, Metallurgy

Committee Chairperson

Karin Steneholm, Uddeholms AB 

Vice chairperson

Helena Erkkilä, Ovako Imatra Oy Ab

Research Manager

Christer Ryman, Jernkontoret

Member companies

Alleima AB, Sandviken
Bet-Ker Oy, Ylivieska
Calderys Nordic AB, Köping
Höganäs Borgestad AB, Bjuv
Höganäs Sweden AB, Halmstadsverken, Halmstad
Ovako Imatra Oy Ab, Imatra
Ovako Sweden AB, Hofors
RHI Refractories Nord AB, Stocksund
SSAB Europe AB, Luleå
SSAB Europe Oy, Brahestad
SSAB Special Steels, Oxelösund
Uddeholms AB, Hagfors
Vesuvius Scandinavia AB

Co-opted members

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Luleå University of Technology, Luleå 
Swerim AB, Luleå

Purpose and general orientation

The research block here monitors and carries out research within the area of refractory materials for steel production (blast furnaces, electric arc furnaces, converters ladles and tundishes).

  • Safety
  • Steel quality
  • Economy in refractory materials
  • Sustainability

Training package for advanced ceramics

Within the research block Refractory materials, an extensive training package has been developed, designated report D 830. The report is available free of charge for member companies within technical area TO 23. It is only available in Swedish and Finnish. Please contact the Research Manager if you, as a member, wish to have a copy.

Others can order the report here.