Energy Council
The Energy Council’s area of responsibility covers issues relating to the energy market, climate change, energy efficiency and economic steering tools.

The Council
- works to achieve good supply, a broad product mix and competitive prices for energy.
- follows the climate issue and influences legislation and steering tools while working to achieve reduced emissions of greenhouse gases.
- works to achieve that the conditions for the sector activities are based on objective grounds and on the basis of neutral competitiveness.
- increases and diffuses knowledge of energy efficiency (amongst member companies).
- maintains statistical information on energy use and energy production.
- looks after and influences the development of new steering tools.
Members of the Energy Council:
Magnus Pettersson, Höganäs Sweden AB, Chairperson
Helén Axelsson, Jernkontoret
Ola Axelsson, Uddeholms AB
David Bellqvist, SSAB Europe
David Blecko, Uddeholms AB
Erik Claesson, Ovako
Joel Dahl Öberg, Fagersta Stainless AB
Fredrik Edin, Ovako Sweden AB
Susanne Granberg, Uddeholms AB
Edwin Grönkvist, Suzuki Garphyttan AB
Victoria Hellström Mader, Befesa ScanDust AB
Tomas Hirsch, SSAB AB
Linnea Isaksson, Ovako Bar AB
Mari Linder, Outokumpu Stainless AB
Susanne M. Lindqvist, Alleima AB
Oskar Lundström, Boliden AB
Nicklas Magnusson, Ovako AB
Maria Norberg, Uddeholms AB
Annelie Papadopoulos, Vargön Alloys AB
Jan Pettersson, SSAB Special Steels
Jennica Simesgården, SSAB Europe
Caroline Soini, Outokumpu Stainless AB
Torbjörn Sörhuus, Ovako Bar AB
Nicklas Tarantino, Sustainable Steel Region
Peder Thunander, Björneborg Steel AB
Paola Zetterberg-Eriksson, Ovako AB
Pär Hermerén, Jernkontoret, Secretary