Historical Metallurgy Group
Activities of the Group involve both archaeological and historical documentation and research as well as cultural heritage conservation relating to the production of metals. The accent, nevertheless, is placed on the development of the iron and steel industry. Activities cover all historical epochs and are Nordic in scope.

Tasks of the Group
- promoting historical research concerning mining and metallurgy.
- enabling collaboration between researchers.
- submitting proposals and prioritising urgent assignments.
- arranging lectures, discussion and field studies.
- facilitating rapid publication of, and disseminating information about, the results.
Members of the History of Metallurgy Group:
Olle Wijk, former Head of R&D, Sandvik AB, Chairperson
Fredric Bedoire, Emeritus Professor, Kungl. Konsthögskolan
Kjersti Bosdotter, Arbetarnas Kulturhistoriska Sällskap
Clas Ericson, Metallurgical Engineer
Martin Fritz, Emeritus Professor, University of Gothenburg
Carl-Magnus Gagge, former Director, Västmanland County Museum
Gert Magnusson, Senior Advisor
Elisabeth Nilsson, former MD of Jernkontoret
Anders Nordebring, Regional Archives
Arne Sundström, Metallurgical Engineer
Magdalena Tafvelin Heldner, The National Museum of Science and Technology
Catarina Karlsson, Jernkontoret, Secretary
Yngve Axelsson, Librarian, Jernkontoret, co-opted member
Orvar Nyquist, former MD of Jernkontoret, co-opted member