Public Affairs Council
The Public Affairs Council's area of responsibility consists of coordination, monitoring the environment and sharing knowledge about public affairs issues.
Collaboration around the iron and steel industry's public affairs work
Jernkontoret's Public Affairs Council includes people from Jernkontoret's co-ownders and shareholders who work with public affairs-related issues. The council aims to be a forum for sharing knowledge, monitoring the environment and coordinating issues important to the industry.
The work in the public affairs council is led by Jernkontoret's public affairs director Kristian Ljungblad. The council has monthly digital meetings and meets physically approximately twice a year. Physical meetings preferably take place at the same time as a study visit to one of Jernkontoret's companies.
The Public Affairs Council consists of the following members:
Jonas Blomdahl, Suzuki-Garphyttan
Robert Gustafsson, Uddeholm
Jesper Kansbod, SSAB
Emma Lefdal, Höganäs
Sandra Lindström, Boliden
Jonas Nordlund, Outokumpu
Vendela Stenius, Ovako
Håkan Sundström, Alleima
Saiva Zalkalns, Ovako
Kristian Ljungblad, Jernkontoret, secretary