Product Ecology Council
The Product Ecology Council’s area of responsibility covers product-related environmental issues.

A case study of Friends Arena shows that high-strength steel in constructions can result in positive effects: reduced environmental impact, lowered costs and simplified handling of the lighter structural elements. Foto: Friends Arena, © Sweden Arena Management.A case study of Friends Arena shows that high-strength steel in constructions can result in positive effects: reduced environmental impact, lowered costs and simplified handling of the lighter structural elements. Foto: Friends Arena, © Sweden Arena Management.
The Council administers
- environmental declarations (eco-labelling).
- life-cycle analysis (structured data collection, LCA models etc.).
- eco-sensitive product development.
- industry/metallurgy information (marketing, educational material etc.).
Members of the Product Ecology Council:
Jonas Larsson, SSAB Europe, Chairperson
Sayali Bhalekar, Outokumpu Stainless AB
Agnes Borg, SSAB AB
Jeanette Edman, Höganäs Sweden AB
Astrid Edvardsson, Boliden Smelters
Ola Ericsson, Suzuki Garphyttan AB
Robert Frykholm, Höganäs Sweden AB
Nicole Holmgren, Alleima AB
Camilla Kaplin, Outokumpu Stainless AB
Katarina Lundkvist, LKAB
Nicklas Magnusson, Ovako AB
Katarina Modin, SSAB Special Steels
Henrik Olausson, Uddeholms AB
Robin Olsson, Suzuki Garphyttan AB
Jeanette Svensson, Höganäs Sweden AB
Cecilia Mattsson, Jernkontoret, Secretary