Standardisation Council
The Standardisation Council’s area of responsibility covers issues concerning standardisation of materials and products.

The Council
- prioritises Jernkontoret's input to Swedish steel standardisation and decides how Jernkontoret's funding for steel standardisation should be allocated.
- works to diffuse knowledge on the importance of standardised technical regulations and concepts for rationalised marketing and manufacturing.
- represents the steel industry’s interests on standardisation issues in relation to public authorities and other materials/products/competitors.
- handles issues relating to the need for new steel standards, sampling methods and process concepts.
Members of the Standardisation Council
Hans Kjellstorp, Chairperson, Alleima AB
Anneli Anhelm, Ovako Bar AB
Per Hofslagare, SSAB Special Steels
Mats Larsson, Höganäs Sweden AB
Patrik Sundell, Outokumpu Stainless AB
Jonas Gurell, Jernkontoret, Secretary